CBD for Dogs: A Comprehensive Owner's Guide

CBD for Dogs: A Comprehensive Owner’s Guide

CBD is a popular compound in the cannabis world. You may not know it, but the Best cbd for dogs with cancer can benefit your pup in many ways – from easing anxiety to healing wounds. This article will help you to understand what CBD is, how it affects animals and how you can use it with your pup at home.

What Is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

CBD is one of over 60 compounds found in the cannabis plant that belong to a group called cannabinoids. The human body also produces its own endocannabinoids which are involved in many physiological processes including mood, memory, pain and sleep.

Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the stuff that gets you “high,” CBD is completely non-psychoactive and safe for use by your furry friends.

Best cbd for dogs with cancer

The History Of Cannabidiol In Pets

In the early days of medical marijuana, CBD was virtually unheard of in veterinary medicine. As attitudes relaxed and more research came out, however, pet owners began to experiment with it as an alternative to traditional medications. Today many veterinarians are prescribing it for pets and there is a lot of evidence that it can help many different conditions. In this article we’ll look at some of the ways in which CBD can help both dogs and cats.

How To Get CBD Into Your Dogs

There are a few ways of administering CBD to your furry friend. The most obvious (and perhaps most enjoyable for you) is to simply sprinkle it on their food as you would with any other spice. If, however, your pup is particularly fussy you may want to consider one of the more traditional methods. These include:

CBD Dog Treats (CBD-Infused)

Since dogs tend not to like the flavor of CBD oil, there are some dog treats that are infused with it. You can find them online or in certain pet stores. These treats have the advantage over drops in that if your pup doesn’t like the flavor then he can just eat it as a normal treat!

CBD Rubs

Another easy way to get some CBD into your pup is by rubbing it on his coat. In fact, it is possible to make a CBD-enriched oil that can be applied to the skin. However, there is some evidence to suggest that this can cause irritation in certain dogs so you might want to be cautious and try it out on a small patch of skin first.

CBD Sprays

If you are concerned about the mess caused by the CBD-infused oils then you can always use a CBD pet spray. These are applied like traditional sprays and can be used on the face or the paws.

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